I found Mark on TradingView more then one year ago. I remember signals on LTC in the mid of 2017. They were unbelievable, but successful in future.. I tried to read information and learnt something in this field, and when I read Mark it was exactly what I needed. Now I am reading The Wild Crypto learning materials, they becomes better and better. It’s very important. When you are working and have no time – it’s can be difficult to track signals (I don’t know how guys are making them – they are robots or something like that), and I found service 3Commas. And union of them (WC and 3C)- its something unbelievable. Everything is more automated now. New function “stop with timeout” made a gift for me – good nights without wake up. As for money: I have a deposit only 1500$ and don’t like to risk a lot, so 20$ for Altcoins and 10-15% for bitcoin is my maximum. It was one month when I made 300$ per month, and it was one when 10$ (maybe because of my vacation and bad internet there) But I tried few signals before, and in the most of them I just lose my money. I loose a lot before Wild Crypto and now find comfortable people for comfortable trading…